Town rallies to Stop the Hate

A recent hate incident in Granby sparked the “Stop the Hate” rally, held by Granby Racial Reconciliation (GRR) on the town green on Oct. 28.

Breakfast Groups enjoy meals, speakers

Conservationist Ginny Apple spoke to 43 members of the Granby Women’s Breakfast Group on Nov. 1.
At the Nov. 3 Granby Men’s Breakfast, the live demonstration of the Granby Grunts Robot was not to be missed!

Granby Ambulance Association’s fall fundraiser takes off

The Granby Ambulance Association (GAA) hosted its annual fall fundraising event at the New England Air Museum in October. The event drew supporters from across the area to raise essential funds for emergency medical services (EMS) in the towns of Granby, East Granby and East Hartland.

Nothing Stays Here!

On a recent Saturday morning I ran into three guys and spent an hour or so talking trash with them. I do not mean that we got on each other’s cases, not because we had previously met, but rather we had a great conversation about a subject near and dear to all three guys’ hearts: TRASH. More accurately, the recycling thereof.