Town of Granby Meeting Calendar

Check Town of Granby website or call Town Manager’s office to verify date,  time, location, and get information on how to participate on Zoom, if needed.

Social Services

The focus of the Social Services Department is to coordinate existing federal, state, regional and local services, to increase community awareness of these services and to develop new programs to meet the needs of Granby residents.

Public Works — May 2024

Trash Holiday: Monday, May 27 is a holiday for Paine’s. All trash and recycling pickups will be delayed by one day the week after the Memorial Day holiday.

Building relationships toward better municipal cooperation

Connecticut has 169 towns that all provide municipal services like assessment, tax collection, land records recording, building inspection services, public works services like trash collection, road maintenance and snow plowing, first responder services like police and fire protection, and, of course, education for the town’s children and young adults.

Budget referendum passed

On April 15 the Town Budget Referendum was held at Granby Town Hall, with 1,112 residents casting in-person ballots and 28 voting with absentee ballots.
The result was 658 “yes” and 482 “no.”