Advertising in the Granby Drummer supports the print and distribution of this local community newspaper. For specifications, see below. Please be sure to submit your ad on time, you can also check our deadlines page for a reminder.
A page in the printed Drummer is 15.5 inches tall.
A column inch is an area one column wide by one inch high.
1 column – 2.375 inches wide
2 columns – 5 inches wide
3 columns – 7.625 inches wide
4 columns – 10.25 inches wide
For additional specifications download the Drummer Ad Rate Sheet.
The Drummer accepts advertisements for our print edition at the following rates per column inch:
Contract Rate:
Non-Profit Rate:
$10.00 (B&W)
$7.00 (B&W)
$14.00 (Color)
$11.00 (Color)