Connection to nature is central theme of upcoming exhibition

Granby’s Alexander Anisimov is truly a master-of-all-trades artist. From crafting mosaics to painting with oil, from drawing in ink or graphite to collecting driftwood, Anisimov can take the world around us and create thoughtful art pieces.

Memorial Day

We gather on the green, the sidewalks, and the roadways to honor and remember those who died in service to our country.

Calling all artists to join in GAA All Members Show

The Granby Artists Association (GAA) will again present its annual All Members Show at Lost Acres Vineyard. The show will run from June 7 to July 7 with an opening reception on Saturday, June 8 from 4 to 6 p.m.


Yellow sunshine
Flowering bulbs
Color and Beauty
Return to the world
Giving us Hope.


Lack of kindness
and lack of compassion
equals lack of love.
So let us begin by being kind.

Back Yard Friends

Watching the birds on a snowy morning
They come and go without any warning
Nibbling and fleeing, as flighty they are
Running away, but not very far.