Wells Road third graders plant a tree

Trees are everywhere in Granby, but sometimes we need one more in a special place. This just happened at Wells Road School where teacher Kristen Lecco’s third grade class became fascinated by trees and decided the interior courtyard viewed from their classroom window, needed one.

The school year coming to a close

The full May and June calendars and the buzz of excitement from our students tells us that the end of the school year is approaching. The activities and enthusiasm of our students and staff are high energy right now as everyone is focusing on exciting end-of-year activities, spring sports, field trips, prom, concerts, senior outings and awards celebrations.

Just go for it!

Call it ignorant, but I generally ignore the announcements that blare across the high school intercom system each morning. Ask any GMHS student, and they will likely attest to committing the same offense. However, one spring morning during my freshman year, with the sun gleaming across my desk and my mind clear from distractions, I turned my ear to the wave of advertisements and reminders spouting from the ceiling speakers.

4-H Robotics team compete at world championships

Granby seniors Ben Weber and Nathan Griswold concluded their G-4s 4-H Robotics experience with a trip to the VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas, Texas. Middle schoolers Dylan Hamilton and Emma Doherty assisted as pit crew.