Meet poetess Bernadette Gentry

If you live in Granby and read The Granby Drummer, then you surely recognize the name Bernadette Gentry. She’s the voice behind the thoughtful, sometimes whimsical but always pleasing poems published each month for her community to enjoy.

Meet the new Chamber staff

Rebecca Taylor as the newest members of the Chamber staff. These talented individuals bring a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the team, and the positive impact they will have on our community.

A Challenging Experience

Recently, I experienced some major health issues, was hospitalized, and spent some time in rehab. In the nursing home I also had to use a wheelchair. There were so many other people using them that, after a while, I no longer noticed the chairs, just the people sitting in them.

An episode in Kelti’s life

This is the story of me and my human mother. I am a loving, 10-year-old Bichon Frise. I am white in color as all Bichons are. We are descendants of water dogs and poodles.

Mobile Mixology

There’s a new (but old) horse trailer in town! Enya Ferreira, a former Simsbury native now living in Granby, converted a 1970’s vintage horse trailer into a mobile bar.

Cleaning up in retirement

For many folks who decide to retire from a profession or trade to which they have devoted decades, moving on to the next stage of life can present some unknowns. Friends and family offer congratulations, followed by the big question, “So, what are you going to do with all that time on your hands?” That can often be a difficult question to ponder.