Connecticut, the land of steady habits

When it first appeared widely in print in the early 1800s, the term “The Land of Steady Habits” was associated with Connecticut’s ancient tradition of assuring political stability through repeatedly electing the same officials to high office.

Citizens’ ideas needed for improving town processes

Hey Granby! If there is a silver lining to 2020, maybe it’s the opportunity to question and reevaluate what works, what matters, and how prepared/ready we are as individuals and as a community to confront our challenges.

Spending time in our teachers’ shoes

We are confronting complicated and unsettled times. While the impact of COVID-19 is having a monumental impact worldwide and throughout the nation, our state and community, in particular, have shown significant improvement in terms of the number and severity of cases.

Should voters have a vote on how to vote?

The COVID-19 virus pandemic is now a primary intervenor in our 2020, and possibly 2022, elections rather than a foreign entity. In fact, if the virus blame can be squarely placed on China, rather than a collusion with Russia, then that changes the landscape for the U.S. Presidential election.

Fat budget needs a diet

As with any family, a budget sometimes needs to be amended based on internal or external fiscal factors. I would like to challenge each of the departments to consider a reduction of two percent to their budgets not by simply trying to meet the current plus-2 percent budget-increase target.

Granby on a learning curve

What Connecticut Gold Coast town had a ’18—’19 mill rate of 11.369 and kept it flat for ’19—’20? It is also rated as #12 out of the 100 best towns to live in the U.S. and resident satisfaction has improved over the last three years in all departments. How did they achieve this?

Let’s support the Clark Farm

I am writing in support of Clark Farm’s application to the Planning and Zoning Commission to have a select number and type of events in their very nice looking white tent on the orchard property. The residents of Strawberry Field have issued several complaints.