The Bluebirds are back!

Bluebirds are being welcomed all over town this spring! Whether it has anything to do with climate change, it seems that there are more than usual appearing in our backyards. In addition to having difficulty contending with killing winter temperatures, another factor in their dwindling numbers in our area during the past several decades is that house wrens, tree swallows, alien house sparrows and starlings have crowded the gentle blues out of nearly all available nesting places.

Tree Trail honors Arbor Day

On April 27, Holcomb Farm Tree Trail members and master gardeners Barry Avery and Eric Lukingbeal led a group of interested folks on a walk that culminated with the planting of a tree in honor of Arbor Day 2024.

New town manager takes the helm

Mike Walsh may be new to town, but it isn’t taking him long to get to know the staff at town hall and the leaders of the boards and commissions that make up our government. This interview will help all Granby residents to learn a little bit about him.

Code required to open outdoor AEDs

A bit of information has to be added to last month’s article on the town’s new AEDs. The new cabinets installed outdoors have a keypad on them. The user must call 911 to get the code to punch into the keypad to open the cabinet and access the device.