Op-Ed: Granby Schools Potential School Time Change

My name is Kelly Lewis and I am a Granby resident and mother of 3 (ages 3,7 and 9). Although I believe the science behind teenagers needing more sleep, I am completely opposed to the school time changes that are being proposed by The School Start Time Task Force.

OpEd: If you’re a Granby taxpayer… and a pragmatist

Kearns School has been the focus of various Granby Study Committees assigned by the BOS since receipt of the transference from the Education Department in 2016. A variety of recommendations were made by those respective group members but no subsequent action has occurred. 

An unsolicited purchase offer was made on the Evonsion Farm but withdrawn after a public hearing, yet no further marketing efforts were/are currently forthcoming to my knowledge.

Thoughts on the Kearns School proposal

The proposal by the Kearns School Committee, led by Elliot Altomare, is an altruistic objective; however, it must make dollars and cents for the Town of Granby, its citizens and its relative economic health. While a non-binding letter of intent is being drafted, there are several points to be considered.