July Fourth

The sun’s light coming through the window wakes me, and I know it will be a glorious Fourth of July day—perfect for parades, picnics, barbecues, a trip to the beach or lake for swimming or boating.


The fragile colors of early spring give way to the more vibrant colors of summer—children who began the school year last fall now talk of vacation plans and future endeavors. The seasons rush along. We cannot stop them.


After the darkness of winter, with the April sun, the forsythias’ buds open.


Happiness is found everywhere

A Winter Morning

The sun rises, the darkness of the winter night fades, and light and hope return—

Being thankful for friends

At Thanksgiving, we have dinner with our family or friends. We usually offer thanks for our families and the meal we are having and wish our friends goodwill.

Thanksgiving Thoughts

This Thanksgiving Day we give thanks to our Creator for His many blessings

2022 Trendy Talk 2

This narrative is unlike the usual Drummer article which imparts information and meaning. Using amalgams of words and of expressions in current use, the narrative is meant to amuse.

Remembering September 11, 2001

Today we remember all those lives so tragically lost on September 11, 2001, in a terrorist attack on our country.

Summer Memories

When I was a little girl, most homes and cars didn’t have air conditioning. On a hot summer’s day, the best way to cool off was to go the beach and swim in the ocean waves.