Memorial Day

We gather on the green, the sidewalks, and the roadways to honor and remember those who died in service to our country.


Yellow sunshine
Flowering bulbs
Color and Beauty
Return to the world
Giving us Hope.

Back Yard Friends

Watching the birds on a snowy morning
They come and go without any warning
Nibbling and fleeing, as flighty they are
Running away, but not very far.


Lack of kindness
and lack of compassion
equals lack of love.
So let us begin by being kind.

A February Memory

February’s bitter cold keeps me inside this snowy winter morning.
Yet outside, my friends, the birds and squirrels wait for me.

Sounds We Heard Once More

Oh, the sounds that graced my ears
From childhood and beyond,
The memories they often stir
Seem sometimes all but gone.

Christmas Eve

Once again, it’s Christmas Eve.

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to our Creator for the Blessings in our lives—