Public Works

Trash holidays: Monday, Dec. 25 and Monday, Jan. 1 are holidays for Paine’s. Trash/recycling will be delayed by one day for all residents.

HVAC consultant hired

The American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funding has allowed the Town of Granby to retain an HVAC consultant to analyze existing heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems in the town hall, library, police station and senior center.

DPW Winter Hints

Winter storms and the resulting snow removal can be a challenge for all Granby residents. The Department of Public Works does its best to keep the roads passable and safe. Please note the following suggestions, ordinances and rules to ensure a safe winter season for all.

News from Town Hall

As we enter the winter holiday season, let us express our thanks to the many town employees, staff, and volunteers who work to make this season joyful and bright. Read on for news and upcoming events from various departments at Granby Town Hall.