Registrar of Voters
Presidential election was historic
Thanks to all the voters in Granby for making this past election one of exceptional turnout and for the patience and good grace that was evident from both voters and poll workers.
Granby Drummer (
Thanks to all the voters in Granby for making this past election one of exceptional turnout and for the patience and good grace that was evident from both voters and poll workers.
One-way Election Day traffic at GMHS, Expect a line to vote on Nov. 5, IVS Ballot Marking System is available for eve-ryone, Ballot Question, Early Voting is here Oct. 21 through Nov. 3, Sign up for the Election Traffic Team now, and Calendar Review
Sign up for the Poll Worker Team now
Poll workers are still needed for both early voting and the presidential election in November.
The Registrars of Voters invite Granby residents to volunteer for poll working classes.
Presidential Preference Primary, Poll Worker Class April 10, and Calendar Review
Avoid heartache at the Presidential Preference Primaries!, and Granby Democrat and Republican Town Committees will hold Party Caucus
Friday, Feb. 9 Special Session to receive petitions for the Presidential Preference Primary (PPP), 1 to 4 p.m.
Updates on Nov. 7 Municipal Election, Pollworkers are needed, Voter Registration, and Registrar’s Calendar