Major party members, both Democrats and Republicans, are anticipated to have choices to make on who will be on the November 2024 ballot.
Granby voters will have seven days to cast an early ballot if there is a primary. Unaffiliated voters who would like to participate in early voting have until Aug. 2 to enroll in a major party to participate. The deadline to switch parties to participate has passed—state party rules a 90-day waiting period before attaining voting privileges. Hours for early voting are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day, plus four extra hours, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Aug. 6 and Aug. 8.
Thus far, Republicans will be choosing their candidate for the US Senate seat currently held by Chris Murphy and Democrats will be choosing their candidate for the 7th State Senate seat currently held by John Kissell, pending official confirmation of whom the Connecticut Secretary of State has qualified to primary. Absentee ballots can be issued from the town clerk beginning July 23. Applications for absentee ballots are being accepted now.
To assure that anyone casting a ballot only votes once, there is an affirmation to be filled out on the early voting envelope before receiving a ballot. Please note; early voting ballots cannot be rescinded once cast.
Early voting will be held at town hall. Here is the process: Enter the line by the side entrance of town hall. Show a valid ID or if previously confirmed, fill out a form attesting to your ID. Use electronic check in to confirm you are a registered major party member. Cross off your name on the major party registry paper list, same as at the polls. Fill out the early voting envelope, affirming you have not/will not vote again. Vote your ballot in a privacy booth and seal it in your envelope. Second check-in to cross your name off electronically in a statewide database. Place your sealed ballot into the slot of the black bin.
August 13 Primary
Major party members will vote at town hall from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13. The last chance for Unaffiliated voters to enroll in a major party in person is noon on Aug. 12. Ballot information will be available on the town website in late June, after the Connecticut Secretary of State confirms which petitioning candidates qualified. Absentee and early voted ballots will be counted at town hall on Aug. 13.