To GMHS seniors, a year of lasts delivers new firsts

Amid the cooler mornings, shifting leaves and decreasing hours of daylight, one undoubtable signal indicated the closing hours of summer: yard signs, scattered throughout town, boldly asserting this message: “First Day of School, August 29.”

Energetic convocation starts the year for staff

Granby Public Schools welcomed back all staff on Aug. 24 with a high energy convocation. The message of the day was “Let Kindness Ripple.” We plan to carry this theme throughout the 2023-24 school year.

BOE welcomes new member

I hope that you and your family are enjoying those last few beach days but feel, as I do, a sense of excitement as we turn to the new school year ahead. Before we launch into what promises to be an exciting year, I wanted to update the community on a few changes on the Granby Board of Education. 

New principal for GMMS

Cheri Burke, Granby’s superintendent of schools, announced that Heather Tanis has been selected as the principal of Granby Memorial Middle School.  

Let Kindness Ripple

I am delighted to introduce the overarching theme for Granby Public Schools’ year ahead: Let Kindness Ripple.

Who’s IN when school’s OUT?

During the lazy, hazy days of summer, public schools go on a welcome hiatus. Children enjoy staying up late, attending camp, playing with friends and setting out on family vacations while teachers and administrators sleep late and loll around the pool, right? Wrong.