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September 6, 2023

Present: Kristina Gilton, Katharine Leenders, Monica Logan, Donna Nolan, David Peling, Whitney Sanzo, Rosemarie Weber, and Katherine O’Neill and Chase Alexander (student representatives).

Chairman’s Corner

Weber announced a new student representative has joined the board, Katie O’Neill.

Superintendent’s Report

Burke congratulated Heather Tanis, the new principal at GMMS.

Twenty-three new teachers started the school year.

The process of developing a district communications plan has begun with an email regarding a survey and focus groups. Community members who do not have children in the district can also participate.

Public Comment

Bill Regan, 62 Hungary Road, Granby, extended his congratulations to the new Board Chair, Rosemarie Weber. He said he wrote a Letter to the Editor in the last edition of the Drummer and is hopeful that the new Superintendent’s goals posted on the agenda will come to fruition. It was not helpful at the meeting in June that all parents were not able to speak at that meeting; however, he is hopeful the new Superintendent will take these comments under advisement.

Beth Carroll, Quail Lane, North Granby, stated she was pleased to hear about community surveys as she has lived in town for 20 years with no children. She shared an observation as a person who has lived and worked in a variety of countries throughout her career and finds the ELA [English Language Arts] skills of students in town could be better and would rather it be a priority for all grade levels.

Summer Programming

Jennifer Miller, director of extended year summer school, Katie Busbey, director of the summer enrichment academy, and Bethany Grupp, family engagement specialist, provided a detailed report on this year’s summer programming.

Superintendent’s Annual Goals

Please see the BOE website for the Sept. 6 minutes to read Burke’s goals for 2023-24.