New principal for GMMS

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Cheri Burke, Granby’s superintendent of schools, announced that Heather Tanis has been selected as the principal of Granby Memorial Middle School.  

Tanis was selected from a highly qualified pool of more than 30 applicants. The search committee used survey data to identify the desired qualities of the next GMMS principal. Parents and staff identified proven leadership, strong communication skills and knowledge of middle school students’ developmental needs as the most important leadership traits for the position. In addition, the committee sought out a leader with compassion, dedication to the Granby community and a belief in the power of relationships. 

After three rigorous rounds of interviews, Tanis impressed the committee and earned unanimous support as the best fit for Granby Memorial Middle School. Tanis has served as the assistant principal of GMMS since 2020. She has demonstrated unwavering support for parents, students and staff during some of the most challenging years of public education. 

Peter Bogen will serve as interim assistant principal during the search to hire a permanent assistant principal. Granby is grateful for his commitment to GMMS.