The Bluebirds are back!

Bluebirds are being welcomed all over town this spring! Whether it has anything to do with climate change, it seems that there are more than usual appearing in our backyards. In addition to having difficulty contending with killing winter temperatures, another factor in their dwindling numbers in our area during the past several decades is that house wrens, tree swallows, alien house sparrows and starlings have crowded the gentle blues out of nearly all available nesting places.

Granby Grange hosting fair on Open Farm Day

The Granby Grange is holding an Agricultural Fair on Saturday, Sept. 14 that will coincide with Granby Open Farm Day. The Grange invites home producers to enter products from their gardens, kitchens, cameras and craft rooms for judging and to show off your skills to residents and out of town visitors alike.

Homemade and effective natural pesticides for your garden

June has finally arrived. The perfect time to plant outdoor flower and vegetable gardens. The benefits of growing, harvesting and enjoying farm to table fresh produce far exceed any store-bought veggies. The pride one feels when picking that fresh pepper, or eating a juicy cherry

Friends of Holcomb Farm — June 2024

Farming News, Shop at Our Farm Store All Summer Long, SNAP? Double SNAP!, Connecticut Trails Day, New Trees on the Tree Trail – Thank You to Our Funders!, and Notes from the Farm Office (aka Cat’s Corner): The Collaborative Nature of Our Community

Land Trust volunteers clean up 52 miles of roadside trash

More than 125 Granby Land Trust (GLT) volunteers fanned out across Granby over the course of Earth Day Weekend, picking up more than 1.61 tons of roadside trash from 52 miles of road – and several parking lots – as part of the GLT’s Earth Day Roadside Cleanup. That is nearly double the amount of trash collected in last year’s cleanup.

Southwick launches a new land trust

Southwick landowners seeking to preserve their property have a new option. The Southwick Land Trust, a non-profit, non-governmental organization of community volunteers, was formed in 2024 to conserve important ecological, scenic, historic and agricultural land.