Connecticut, the land of steady habits

When it first appeared widely in print in the early 1800s, the term “The Land of Steady Habits” was associated with Connecticut’s ancient tradition of assuring political stability through repeatedly electing the same officials to high office.

Should voters have a vote on how to vote?

The COVID-19 virus pandemic is now a primary intervenor in our 2020, and possibly 2022, elections rather than a foreign entity. In fact, if the virus blame can be squarely placed on China, rather than a collusion with Russia, then that changes the landscape for the U.S. Presidential election.

Fat budget needs a diet

As with any family, a budget sometimes needs to be amended based on internal or external fiscal factors. I would like to challenge each of the departments to consider a reduction of two percent to their budgets not by simply trying to meet the current plus-2 percent budget-increase target.

Granby on a learning curve

What Connecticut Gold Coast town had a ’18—’19 mill rate of 11.369 and kept it flat for ’19—’20? It is also rated as #12 out of the 100 best towns to live in the U.S. and resident satisfaction has improved over the last three years in all departments. How did they achieve this?

OpEd: If you’re a Granby taxpayer… and a pragmatist

Kearns School has been the focus of various Granby Study Committees assigned by the BOS since receipt of the transference from the Education Department in 2016. A variety of recommendations were made by those respective group members but no subsequent action has occurred. 

An unsolicited purchase offer was made on the Evonsion Farm but withdrawn after a public hearing, yet no further marketing efforts were/are currently forthcoming to my knowledge.