Childhood Memories of Spring

When I was a little girl, I knew it was spring when I no longer had to wear my snow pants and red rubber boots or brown rubbers. It felt glorious! Soon, I knew, I would see the robins returning.

My Birds

Although it’s snowed heavily in the night and still is snowing this morning, my brave and faithful birds arrive looking for their seeds.

The Little Christmas Tree

I think back in my memories to my first Christmas as a wife and young mother. Our income was just above the poverty level (by ten dollars), but we were blessed by the church with a big turkey with all the trimmings, and a basket full of canned goods and basic staples to last quite a while.

Thanksgiving Thoughts

The fields were harvested. The pumpkin pies have been baked, and in the oven, the turkey roasts to a crisp, golden brown.

Fall Thoughts

Too soon the summer has left us —
In the gardens, the flowers have produced their seeds.


We went to work, made appointments, planned activities, even scheduled in free time—our calendars were full. Then something happened—loss of a job, illness, the pandemic.

The Pandemic

It came so suddenly—the closing of colleges, schools, houses of worship, and libraries, hairdressers and bank lobbies. Everything that was a normal part of daily living was no more.

Remembering My Father

As we are growing up, our fathers teach us many things and give us the love of their hearts. On Father’s Day we remember them and thank them for all the ways they have made us who we are today.

Early Spring Dreams

Looking like the heads of lollipop sticks, or puffs of dandelion fluff, the tops of the tall trees reach

Waiting and Watching

Their wings and bodies drenched with cold, winter rain, my friends, the blue jays, patiently perch in the trees by the house by my back door.