In Memory Of …

Hobbs, Ernest “Joe” John, 96, husband of the late Elizabeth “Betty” Joyce Hobbs, May 1

Making their corner a better place

For years, Rick Orluk and Trish Percival maintained the vegetation on the little island at the intersection of Higley and Silkey Roads. Their vigilance kept it from being paved over, but the plants growing there were planted long before their time and included the invasive Japanese barberry and non-native forsythia.

Summer Memories

When I was a little girl, most homes and cars didn’t have air conditioning. On a hot summer’s day, the best way to cool off was to go the beach and swim in the ocean waves.

Granby Celebrates Juneteenth!

Even with cold, wind and rain, Granby Racial Reconciliation’s (GRR) inaugural Granby Celebrates Juneteenth Arts and Education Festival on June 18, 2022, held firm to honor the newest federal holiday.

What to do with expired/unused medicines

As you clean out a drawer or medicine cabinet, you may come upon prescribed medications that are expired or unused. Many times there are expired over-the-counter medicines or some we no longer use. How do you safely dispose of these unused medicines?