Thanksgiving Thoughts

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Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks to our Creator for the Blessings in our lives—

A time to be together with family and friends—and to remember those who shared this day with us.

In the oven the turkey roasts to a golden brown. The kitchen windows steam from the heat. Mother has made her own cranberry sauce—she placed it in a grape mold, and it will come out looking like berries on a vine. Outside, Dad rakes the last of the fall leaves.

There on the table will be mounds of white, fluffy mashed potatoes, yams, gravy, stuffing, green beans, and Jell-o pineapple salad that everyone says is so refreshing. For dessert, there will be pumpkin or apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream.

Before we begin, we go around the table and give thanks for some special blessings in our lives—a new baby, a new job, recovery from an illness, or the joy our pets give us. We pray for those who lack the basic necessities of life.

No matter where we are today—in our own homes, in a nursing or rehab center, a hospital, a community gathering, or on a military base, we are grateful to be together and give thanks for our Blessings.

Bernadette R. Gentry