4-H Bottle/Can Drives

Please consider donating your bottles/cans to the Granby 4-H Robotics program. Each of the three 4-H robotics teams made it to the 2021 World Championship and each received a World Championship Award.

Men’s Breakfast

The next Granby Men’s Breakfast Zoom meeting is Friday, Nov. 12. Don Rethke and the Granby Robotics Team will present a live demonstration.

Lions Selling Birdseed

The Granby Lions is conducting its 26th Annual Birdseed Sale. Orders may be placed up to Nov. 6, for pickup or delivery on Nov. 13.

Cossitt Tradition: Holiday Gift Book Tree

Please help Cossitt’s Friends continue our holiday tradition of providing children’s books to include in Granby’s Department of Social Services annual Holiday Gift packages for families.    

Cottage Craft Fair

The 38th Annual Christmas Cottage Craft Fair will be held in a new location this year; St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 224 Lovely Street in Avon. The fair runs on Thursday, Nov. 4 and Friday, Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturday, Nov. 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Polish Kosciusko Squadron Exhibit

The New England Air Museum is honored to premier a new exhibit featuring the Polish Kosciusko Squadron 303 pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain and arguably changed history. Winston Churchill called it “one of the decisive battles of the war” and, according to many historians, the Battle of Britain would have been lost if not for the Polish airmen.

A recap of early columns, and the next Action Day

Since October 2019, this column has profiled some of the worst invasive plants plaguing Granby’s fields, farms, forests, and gardens, and described ways to control them. This month’s column reviews in brief the first year of NOT WANTED columns.

Emerys receive Land Trust award

Granby Land Trust president Rick Orluk presented the 2021 Mary Edwards Friend of the Land Trust Award, the highest honor bestowed by the GLT, to North Granby residents Dave and Jenny Emery, who have been incredibly supportive of the GLT over many years.

CTVV highlights CREC arts academy

Susan Patricelli Regan, host of CT Valley Views TV show, interviewed Kim Stroud, Academy Director and Natasha Miles, Visual Arts Department Head, of CREC’s Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts at the Hartford Campus.