You are needed

Granby residents are needed to fill vacancies on the Agricultural Commission and the Conservation Commission. If you are interested in serving on either of these commissions, contact the Democratic Town Committee Chair Christine Chinni at, the Republican town committee Chair Mark Neumann at 860-653-9668, or the Town Manager at 860-844-5300.

Small towns urge lawmakers to oppose forced consolidation of school districts

The Connecticut Council of Small Towns (COST) is urging lawmakers to oppose bills that would force the consolidation of smaller school districts, including SB-457, which requires school districts serving less than 2,000 students to consolidate with larger school districts, and SB-454, which requires schools to be consolidated into mega districts serving 40,000 students. “Consolidation does not always produce cost savings.

Crafting the FY20 budget

On March 6, I will present the FY20 Administrative Budget to the Board of Education. The budget is a spending plan that is responsive to the needs of the district, a Board of Finance budget guideline of 4 percent, a huge State budget deficit, and a proposed Governor’s budget that reduces $254K in State educational funding to Granby. 

Over the years, in response to the significant economic challenges, the district has taken steps to reduce its budget by realizing line-item efficiencies and closing a school.

Chamber of Commerce installs new officers and board of directors

New Chamber of Commerce officers installed are (from l.): John Laudati, president; Mary Anne Guarco, past president; Todd Baily, director; Lindsay Allen, director; Annelise Hurley, director; Frank Schoenrock, treasurer; Kevin Riggott, director; Scott Riley, first vice president; Jamie Rice, second vice president, Brian Guarco, director; Bob Marx, director. Missing from photo are: Vicky Mosteanu, Meg Statile, Tim Baker, Kathy Ungerleider, and Tony Roda.

Granby hosts forum on state’s fiscal stability and economic growth

Granby was provided an opportunity at the town’s Senior Center, co-moderated by First Selectman Scott Kuhnly and Susan Patricelli Regan, to hear an exclusive presentation on the state’s fiscal status and challenges, given by Robert E. Patricelli, co-author of the document 2.0 Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth manifesto. Patricelli is the co-chairman on the State’s Fiscal Stability Commission along with Jim Smith, former president and CEO of Webster Bank.

PTO Corner

March is proving to be a busy month for the PTO. The spring session of our after-school chess program begins on March 4 and will meet on consecutive Mondays through June 3.