Absentee Ballots available

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An important change in the wording and interpretation of the state statute has given all registered voters who are concerned about the pandemic, the option to obtain and fill out an absentee ballot application, vote absentee, and use the black Official Ballot Drop Box located in front of Town Hall for completed applications and ballots. Voters will need to get the revised absentee application form to be used specifically for Nov. 8. If you have access to a printer, the form is available online at portal.ct.gov/-/media/SOTS/ElectionServices/AB-Application/AB_Application_20220912/ED-3-Rev-English-20220912.pdf

The application form is also available at Town Hall or can be mailed upon request. Absentee Ballots are handled through the Town Clerk’s office, and represent a complete ballot, identical to the ballots used by voters on Election Day, just on a different color paper as they are tallied separately. The Town Clerk must receive a completed original application with a wet signature, not a copy or fax. If you can come to the Town Hall, you can complete the process in person starting Oct. 7.

Mail your completed ballot immediately, using both envelopes provided, signed, and dated. Any ballots received by the Town Clerk after Nov. 8 are not counted. Please note that the black ballot box is available for applications and ballots, and it is emptied every day by the Town Clerk. There is also a new security camera to ensure integrity of any votes cast in the black bin.