Wake Up Granby!

Dear fellow residents of Granby. The time has come for everyone to stand up for all that this town offers: open spaces, scenic rivers and streams, a park, lands for agricultural products, professional services, and lots of good restaurants, just to name a few.

Early Voting Opportunities

Connecticut will debut early voting at the end of March, for four days, for the Presidential Preference Primary. The legislature made a special exception to consecutive days this year to avoid Good Friday and Easter Sunday, so the days are March 26, 27, 28 and 30.


The following are highlights from recent commission and committee meeting minutes. To read the full reports, please visit the Town of Granby website, choose Agendas and Minutes and choose the board or committee.

Town advisory committee to manage participatory process to allocate grants

The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has established a Greater Together Community Fund for each of the 29 towns in the Greater Hartford region, which includes Granby. The Hartford Foundation has since provided each Community Fund with $180,000, with $70,000 being maintained in the Funds’ endowments and the remaining $110,000 to support current grantmaking efforts.