Making progress with the Strategic Plan

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The Board of Selectmen has gone to great lengths to ensure that all residents have had their say about the Strategic Plan that will eventually enumerate the values most important to the community to improve life in our town.

Beginning in the early spring, the first step was having each of Granby’s boards and commissions identify two or three objectives specific to its area of expertise. When all of these were submitted, a representative of each organization was asked to present its ideas at one of the Board of Selectmen meetings in August. Members of the BOS discussed and asked questions regarding the objectives, after which residents present at the meetings, as well as residents following from home on Zoom, were allowed to do the same. There is also a dedicated email address ( where residents can comment on the objectives.

First Selectman Mark Fiorentino opened the Aug. 1 meeting by thanking everyone for their participation in this process and asked for continued patience as it slowly plays itself out. He noted that the process and final product may not be perfect, but its great value is that all residents who wish can be involved.

Maureen Eberly spoke to the vocabulary being used inconsistently. In Fiorentino’s view, the difference between goals and objectives as used in the strategic plan is as follows: goals are quite general; objectives have a measurable outcome. The first phase of the plan was gathering submission of ideas; in the second phase, the measurable steps to achieve each goal (the objectives) would be identified. The third phase will be a final public session when board members, submitters and the general public can make further comments and/or suggestions.

During the Aug. 1 meeting, the goals of the following were heard: Board of Finance, the Agriculture Commission, the Conservation Commission, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Development Commission, the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, and the Commission on Aging.

During the Aug. 15 meeting, the following boards were heard: Library, Youth Services, Park and Recreation, and Education. As was hoped by Fiorentino and Town Manager Erica Robertson, once all the goals were discussed, it was clear that there were many overarching commonalities. This will make it easier when assigning priorities.