Camera Club

The Granby Camera Club is unable to use the Senior Center for its meetings at this time. While many members are not ready for group indoor meetings, that is not keeping the club from sharing, communicating and enjoying photography.

Men’s Breakfast

The next Granby Men’s Breakfast will be Friday, Oct. 9. The speaker for the e-Group will be Nancy Sheetz from Farmington Valley VNA, who will talk about Covid isolation, CBD therapies, and how and why to get seasonal flu vaccinations.

No SBHS Flea Market

Following the Governor’s guidelines and to protect society volunteers as well as the public, the Salmon Brook Historical Society has cancelled the fall flea market, which was to be held on Oct. 17.

Bottle and Can Drive

Tired of waiting in line to return bottles and cans? Consider donating them to the Granby 4-H Robotics Program.

Volunteers Needed

Mary’s Kitty Korner, Granby’s no-kill cat shelter, is looking for volunteers to help care for its kitties until they find their fur-ever homes.

Lions’ Birdseed Sale

The Granby Lions is conducting its 25th Annual Birdseed Sale. Orders may be placed until Saturday, Oct. 24, for pickup or delivery on Saturday, Oct. 31.

DTC Events

The Granby Democratic Town Committee is planning two events. Visit the website,, or the Facebook page,, for more information or to register.


Board Chairman Melissa Migliaccio, shared opening remarks and said this is the board’s fourth special meeting this summer in order to get the schools reopened. She thanked the administration, Jordan Grossman, Jennifer Parsons, and their team.

Meetch’s Corner

honey hole: A hole, spot, or area containing big fish or lots of catchable fish. Usually requiring an oath of sworn secrecy before your buddy will take you to it.