Town of Granby Meeting Calendar

Check Town of Granby website or call Town Manager’s office to verify date and time, and get information on how to particpate on Zoom, if needed.

Spending time in our teachers’ shoes

We are confronting complicated and unsettled times. While the impact of COVID-19 is having a monumental impact worldwide and throughout the nation, our state and community, in particular, have shown significant improvement in terms of the number and severity of cases.


Migliaccio stated the sole purpose of this meeting is to receive an update from the Reopening Task Force on the Governor’s plans. The board will meet again July 13 on the same topic.

Granby Senior Center connecting with seniors virtually

The Granby Senior Center has taken its programs online to keep seniors connected during the pandemic. When the Senior Center closed in March, the staff transitioned quickly to Zoom, offering games, informational programs and more.

49th Granby Road Race runs strong

On Saturday, Sept. 19, our community will celebrate the 49th Granby Road Race 5K and 10K. This race has a unique course that runs over road and trail to make beautiful running scenery for race participants.