John Oates receives honorary proclamation

First Selectman Mark Fiorentino presented John and Linda Oates a proclamation at the Sept. 16 board of selectman meeting, thanking them for their generosity in donating four Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to the town this past summer. 

Connecticut Press Club Winner’s Spotlight

Kudos to our Drummer writers and editorial team for winning awards in 10 separate categories in the 2023 Connecticut Press Club Professional Communications Contest!  We’re spotlighting one of our award winners in each of the Drummer’s next several issues.


Kasia Kaczkowski was named to the spring honors list at the University of Hartford.

In Memory Of…

Paffrath, Estella Louise (Layman), 96, wife of the late Harold H. Paffrath, May 5

Cheng receives Chamber award

The Granby-Simsbury Chamber of Commerce awarded the Public Servant of the Year Award to Granby’s Director of Finance Kimi Cheng in recognition of her hard work, professionalism and technical expertise.