Every year the registrar’s office is required to identify those voters on the official voter registry who have moved out of town through a process of selective canvassing of voters. You can aid in this process by informing the registrars if you or your grown children have moved.
The National Change of Address service compares a list from the US Postal Service of the last two years of reported permanent moves to Granby’s list of registered voters. From this comparison, Granby expects to send about 300 letters to people that may have moved. In addition, if someone on Granby’s registry has not voted for more than four years—including the last two federal elections in 2022 and 2024—they will receive a letter asking if they have moved.
If you receive a letter, please read it carefully, fill out, sign and date it before returning it in the postage-paid envelope provided. Family members and current residents can NOT fill out and sign for another voter, so either forward the letter, or return it unopened to the registrars. If a family member wishes to be removed from the Granby list of voters, they are required to submit a written, signed and dated request for removal to the registrar’s office. Letters without the voter’s signature cannot be acted upon.
Poll workers to be thanked
In mid-February the Registrars’ Office will host a special event to honor our 200 poll workers. The invitations were emailed in mid-January. If you missed your invitation, please contact the Registrar of Voters Office.
Please feel free to contact the registrars, Laura Wolfe and Karen Antonucci, at 860-844-5322 or -5323 or registrarofvoters@granby-ct.gov