Thanks to all the voters in Granby for making this past election one of exceptional turnout and for the patience and good grace that was evident from both voters and poll workers. There were 14 days of early voting at town hall, steady lines at the polls at the high school on Nov. 5, and incredible interest in same-day registration/voting on election day at the Registrar of Voter’s office. People wanted their voices heard and to be part of our democratic process.
There were early votes cast Oct. 21 through Nov. 3 for a total of 3,646. The busiest day was Oct. 21. There were 512 absentee ballots returned to Town Clerk Scott Nolan, 37 overseas ballots and three military ballots. Same-day registration was available during all of early voting and also on Nov. 5, for a total of 147. Voters who came to the high school on election day numbered 3,112.
Granby’s final tally of ballots cast during this election was 7,458, an amazing 86 percent of registered voters turning out for this election.
We had a diligent crew of 155 volunteers to greet voters, answer questions, check names off by street, hand out ballot and pen, as well as the tabulator tenders at the black box to make sure your vote was cast. Let’s not forget the hardworking moderators working at the polls and the great traffic team that kept the traffic flowing through the high school, especially during tournament time. Thanks to all!
Submitted by Registrars of Voters Laura Wolfe and Paul Willis