News from the Registrars — September 2024

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Quiet August Primary in Granby

On Aug. 13, after a very slow start, 190 voters came to Granby Town Hall to cast ballots. Adding in the 124 who voted early and the 21 absentee ballots, the total votes cast from 4,697 eligible party members yielded an overall 7.14 percent turnout.

Granby results were:

For the Democrats 7th State Senate: 162 for Cynthia Mangini, 114 for Nathan Wolliston. Final totals for the entire 7th State Senate District were: 1,656 for Cynthia Mangini, 852 for Nathan Wolliston. District wide turnout was 15.98 percent.

For the Republicans US Senate: 79 for Gerry Smith, 78 for Matthew M. Corey. Final totals for the Statewide US Senate race were: 15,900 for Gerry Smith, 19,228 for Matthew M. Corey. Statewide turnout was 7.63 percent.

August Primary Early Voting scored 37 percent of ballots cast!

Twenty-five wonderful volunteers participated with the Registrars during the seven, long days of voting in August. Of the 64 hours offered for Early Voting, Granby averaged fewer than two voters per hour for this quiet primary. And yet percentage wise, the 124 Early Voted ballots were a hefty 37 percent of all votes cast in the primary. If that happens again this fall, with 14 days and 120 hours to choose from, we could be looking at an average of 22 voters per hour.

New to town or just moved? Update now!

There is an easy, fast online process to report changes to your voter registration. When you go online to Granby’s website or directly to the state’s website, you can register to vote or update your voter registration and verify you are all set for the Presidential Election. The state’s web address is: There is also a link on the town clerk’s page to apply for an absentee ballot.

Decision 2024: Voting and Poll Working Free Class

The Registrars of Voters are inviting all interested citizens and students to a poll worker class on voting here in Granby. We will cover all of the protocols in place to secure ballots and ensure verifiable results. The class will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 1 to 3 p.m. at Granby Town Hall Meeting room.

Sign up for the Poll Worker Team now

Poll workers will be needed for both Early Voting and the Nov. 5 Presidential election. The Registrars office is compiling an email list of poll workers. Volunteer poll workers must be at least 16 years old and can choose to volunteer for a few hours, as desired to fit their schedules. If you are good with computers, you could help during the 14 days of Early Voting and Same Day Registration (Oct. 21–Nov. 3). Most Early Voting shifts are four hours. The Presidential election is Tuesday, Nov. 5 and most shifts that day are eight hours. If you would like to be added to the list or if you did not receive the poll worker information e-letter, please email the Registrars at: Poll worker training is required to serve. More training options will be offered in late September and early October. For more information or to apply please contact the Registrars at:

Calendar Review

Wednesday, Sept. 11: Decision 2024: Voting and Poll Worker free class, 1–3 p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room

Friday, Oct. 4: First day absentee ballots for Presidential election are available.

Friday, Oct. 18: Special Voter Session in Registrars Office, 9 a.m.–8 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 16: Public Testing and Sealing of the Voting Machines, 1 p.m. Town Hall Meeting Room.

Friday, Oct. 18: Deadline for online and postmarked voter registrations to participate in the Presidential Election.

Oct. 21 to Nov. 13: Early Voting will be held at Town Hall, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 29 and Oct. 31, hours extended to 8 a.m.–8 p.m.

Questions?  Please feel free to contact the Registrars, Laura Wolfe and Paul Willis, at 860-844-5322 or 860-844-5323 or