Susan Patricelli Regan made a “We the People for a Smaller Government” presentation to the Hartford County Chapter of the Connecticut Republican Assembly (CTRA) on April 5 with the objective of providing a new strategy message for the conservative party. A consensus of attendees was that the GOP and State Central did not have the right message for its base of Republican voters in the Statewide 2022 elections and did not garner any support from the unaffiliated voter segment.
It is clear that the GOP is off course with the concerns of Connecticut taxpayers and is not resonating with its constituents. Where did they go wrong or more accurately, have they not gone right for so long by doing the same thing, the same way with the same people?
Time for new leadership. We the people for a smaller government won’t be able to obtain our goal if the GOP can’t get its grass roots boots firmly on the ground.
Regan—a 2022 Republican gubernatorial candidate lacked statewide name recognition and limited cash—but was positively recognized by those conservatives who did hear her voice in media interviews. Regan is taking what were her platform objectives and strategy acumen, to continue to fight for “We the Peoples’ voice and constitutional rights via presentations focusing on a new concept message for the Republican party. See

—Submitted by Susan Patricelli Regan