What’s Up in Town Hall

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Recent Actions

1. Approved funding for repair and restoration of the exterior of the Holcomb Farm Farmhouse.

2. The BOS and P&Z held a joint meeting to assign study areas for the Granby Affordable Housing Plan and to discuss conducting a Town Center study.

3. Accepted a STEAP grant from the State of Connecticut to construct an ADA-accessible path through Salmon Brook Park at GMHS and Kearns School; upgrades to police cruiser cameras; upgrades to town technology infrastructure; and improvements to the town website.

Upcoming Topics

1. Consider revisions to the Town Charter.

2. Continue to solicit comments on a draft strategic plan. A copy of the draft plan can be obtained at: granby-ct.gov, and comments can be submitted by sending an email to: strategicplan@granby-ct.gov

3. Begin improvements to the Town website.