Granby Registrars’ Update

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Primary Turnout Higher than Average in Granby

Granby voters turned out in higher numbers than the statewide average for both parties to support their candidates of choice in the Republican and Democratic primaries. On Aug. 9, 25.1 percent of Granby Republicans cast their votes as opposed to 20.6 percent statewide. The Democratic turnout in Granby at 19.8 percent, compared with 14.3 percent turnout statewide.

At the town polls, several residents showed up but were unable to vote because they were either not currently registered or were registered as unaffiliated or in a few cases registered in the wrong party! It is easy to confirm or change your voter registration online 24/7. The Town of Granby website has links available to connect you to the SotS’s Online Voter Registration system for either option.

To look-up your registration:

To change your registration:

Poll Worker Thank You

We thank the moderators, town committee volunteers and all the poll workers who came out to work in the extreme heat throughout Primary Day. Everyone did a wonderful job of ensuring all eligible voters could cast their vote in a timely manner and results were tabulated quickly and accurately.

We were especially pleased that a current GMHS student joined us at the polls. We hope that students will continue to participate and welcome all new and young people interested in local politics and the electoral process.

Additionally, the Registrars of Voters would love to have students looking to obtain credit for service hours, mentoring, internships or job shadow day to consider volunteering with our office. It is a wonderful way to engage with politics and our local community. Drop by and visit us in our office at Town Hall on Wednesdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. or email us at to obtain more information or an application.

On a final note, the Registrars would like to thank our wonderful Moderators Patty Sansone and Diane Hernsdorf.

Make Your Voice Heard—Be Ready to Vote in November

There will be Election Day Registration for unregistered voters in November, but why wait until the last minute? Registration can be done online through the SotS website, or a registration form can be printed or obtained at locations including the DMV, public libraries, social services, the Registrars of Voters, or your Town Clerk.

The list of candidates appearing on the November ballot will be available Sept. 15 through the SotS website. Absentee Ballots for the Nov. 8 election will be available Oct. 7. Applications for Absentee Ballots are currently being accepted by the Town Clerk.

A reminder to young voters who are leaving for college—you can register to vote or check your registration online by visiting the SotS website. If you are staying in Connecticut, you may transfer your registration to your new town of residence. If you will be attending a college or university out-of-state, please check with local election officials in your state if you wish to change your voter registration. You may also choose to vote by Absentee Ballot and applications are being accepted by the Town Clerk now for anyone wishing to receive a November ballot.

November Poll Workers Needed

Poll worker training will begin in October and poll workers are needed. The Registrar’s office is compiling an e-mail list of poll workers. Poll workers can be volunteers or paid, must be at least 16 years old and hours can be chosen to fit your schedule. For more information, or to be added to the list, please e-mail the Registrars at:

Calendar Review

Thursday, Sept. 27 – List of Candidates and Questions on the November ballot will be available of the SotS website

Tuesday, Sept. 27 – Candidate Debate for House 62nd District at GMHS 7 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 7 – Absentee Ballots are available

Questions? Please feel free to contact the Registrars, Laura Wolfe and Paul Willis, by phone at 860-844-5322 or email at