Voting at Granby Town Hall on August 9
Both major parties will hold primaries on Aug. 9. Voting is at the Granby Town Hall Meeting Room from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The location was changed this spring because of a large summer construction project at the school. Granby Town Hall Meeting Room is located at 15 North Granby Road, across from the library. Only registered major party members, as of noon on Monday Aug. 8, can participate in the primary. Unaffiliated and new registered voters cannot participate unless they change their voter registration to sign up with a major party by noon on Aug. 8.
There will be a special voter registration session on Tuesday, July 26 between 1 and 3 p.m. at the Registrar of Voters office in Granby Town Hall. Any unaffiliated or new voters are encouraged to come to this in-person voter registration session to enroll in a major party for the primary.
Political party affiliation is often confusing to new voters. In Connecticut, only members of a political party can participate in primaries. There is no waiting period to join a party if you are unaffiliated, or to become unaffiliated if you are a member of a party. However, there is a three-month waiting period if you choose to switch political parties. May 9 was the deadline to switch your political party. Membership in a political party is free and carries no obligations. All voters can vote for any candidate they choose during elections, regardless of party affiliation, but primaries are exclusively for party members to choose their nominee.
At the time this article went to press the full list of candidates was unavailable because the Secretary of State was still processing primary petitions. Look for updates on the town website (; the full ballot will be posted in July. Currently the Republican primary is to contest the nominations for both U.S. Senate and Connecticut Secretary of State races. The Democratic primary is to contest the nominations for both Connecticut Secretary of State and Connecticut Treasurer, with the potential for Congressional 1st District to be added.
Apply now for an Absentee Ballot
Absentee Ballots are handled exclusively through the Town Clerk’s office and voters must submit an application to receive an absentee ballot. For primaries and general November elections, submit your application for an absentee ballot at least one month before the election or primary and return your completed ballot immediately after you receive it. The application is available through the Town Clerk or online at the Secretary of State’s website: The state legislature expanded the use of absentee voting this year to allow anyone concerned about illness, such as COVID, to vote by absentee ballot.
National Voter Registration Day
The registrars are looking forward to teaming up with the high school for an event on Sept. 27 featuring the incoming class of seniors to encourage voter registration. In the past, town committees, boards and local candidates have headlined forums to discuss democracy and the importance of voter registration. In 2022 the candidates for the 62nd District House seat have graciously agreed to a forum. The event will be held at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium.
The registrars are looking for volunteers for this important task. If you would like to help, please email the registrars at:
New More Accessible Equipment for Voting
In addition to the touch screen and audio ballot options, the registrars have added an adaptive button and SNP (Sip and Puff) option to aid voters who would like to be able to cast a ballot privately and independently.
Town Hall Staffing Changes
Sonja Smith has retired as Registrar of Voters, and Paul Willis has returned to replace Sonja. A thank you and bon voyage ice cream social was held on June 22 to celebrate Sonja’s service. Sonja and her husband are moving to their new home in North Carolina to be near their daughter and grandchildren. Paul Willis was promoted from Deputy Registrar to return to his role as Republican Registrar of Voters. The Registrars welcomed Scott Nolan, who began serving as Town Clerk on June 13. Scott previously served as Town Clerk in Windsor Locks and brings a wealth of new ideas and technological savvy to our Town Hall.
Please contact the registrars, Laura Wolfe and Paul Willis, at 860-844-5322 or or