Vote in the April 25 Budget Referendum!
The Town Budget Referendum will be held on Monday, April 25, in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 15 North Granby Road. The polls will be open from noon to 8 p.m. As with all opportunities to vote, if you can, please plan to bring an ID, preferably a photo ID to be checked off our official voter list to vote on a paper ballot. The check in tables will be separated based on STREET address, not last name.
As in the past, non-registered, but otherwise eligible voters who are Granby property owners will also be allowed to vote. They will need to fill out a special form at the assessor’s table if their name appears on the last published grand list. Absentee ballots can be filed in person with the Town Clerk prior to the vote, during Town Hall business hours after the public hearing. (There is insufficient time to do mailings for Referendums.) Absentee ballots are not available during the referendum, so the cutoff to issue an absentee ballot for the Referendum is noon on Monday, April 25.
High School Seniors Registration Drive
The Registrars of Voters will be conducting a Spring Voter Registration Drive at Granby Memorial High School on Wednesday, April 20. High school seniors who will be 18 years of age by the Nov. 8 elections will be eligible to register at this session. It would be helpful for those seniors who have state-issued IDs to have these with them to facilitate the registration process.
Poll workers are needed
The Registrar’s office is compiling an e-mail list of poll workers. Volunteer poll workers must be at least 16 years old and can choose to volunteer for a few hours, to fit their schedules. To be added to the list, e-mail the registrars at: Poll worker training will be done in April for the referendum; in July if there is a municipal primary on August 9, and again in October for the Nov. 8 election. Poll worker training is required to serve; for more information or to apply contact the Registrars at:
Looking ahead
Monday, April 11 is the public hearing for the town budget. Details on town website.
Wednesday, April 20 Voter Registration Session for high school seniors at Granby Memorial High School
Monday, April 25 is the town budget referendum—voting is between 12 and 8 p.m. at Town Hall.
Monday, May 9 is the last day to change political party to participate in the state primary (if held).
Between May 3 and 24, major parties will hold their conventions to choose who is on the November ballot. Only party delegates with voting privilege are eligible to vote in these conventions.
Voter registration is a public record, and it’s easy to confirm your voter registration. You can go on the State’s website or stop by the Town Hall, to check the voter registry. You can stop by to register to vote, figure out which is your voting district or make corrections in person at the Registrars’ Office in the Town Hall every Wednesday. Regular office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Voter registration forms are also available at town halls, libraries, DMV offices and online at the Secretary of State’s website:
Questions? Please feel free to contact the registrars, Laura Wolfe and Sonja Smith at 860-844-5322 or email them at, or