The Granby Road Race celebrates its 50th year! It’s one of the few left that towns support by closing major roads, briefly, for the safety of runners. That’s a great example of community spirit in action. Way to go Granby—health and safety are important, as is co-existence.
Welcome our new Town Manager, Erica Robertson. After 20 years working in Farmington Town Hall, most recently as Assistant Town Manager, Robertson was offered and accepted this important leadership position and started work here on Sept. 20. A UConn graduate, Robertson has a background in municipal finance including positions in West Hartford and Tolland. With deep Farmington Valley roots and in-state experience, Granby anticipates a seamless transition.
Thank your Public Servants. Several long-time elected public officials are choosing not to run for re-election this year, including Scott Kuhnly after eight years as First Selectman, and Ed Ohannessian after 16 years continuous service on the Boards of Education and Selectmen. Bill Smith is also going back into a well-deserved retirement after returning as interim Town Manager. Expect many changes on the November ballots, covered in this issue’s special Election Supplement. Don’t forget to share your appreciation for all those who have volunteered their time and talent to help Granby thrive, both past and future.
Request your Absentee Ballot. If you do not want to vote in-person on Nov. 2, but do want to vote, you can via Absentee Ballot under COVID executive orders. However, unlike the Presidential election last year, everyone will not be mailed an application. Read the Registrars’ article on page 26 for options on how to exercise your right, and privilege, to vote, in-person or otherwise.
Cannabis moratorium adopted in Granby. Like many Connecticut towns, Granby’s Planning and Zoning Commission has adopted a one-year moratorium to allow time to consider whether recreational cannabis establishments should be prohibited in Granby, or to establish local regulations and restrictions. Under current state regulations, Granby could have one micro-cultivator and one retail establishment, based on our population.
Road paving done—bridges and town center underway. The Hungary Road bridge work, north near the Suffield line, will now start in the new year, but Griffin Road should be open to traffic in late November, if weather holds. Finally, the State DOT has begun the planned infrastructure work on the Town Center project, with minimal traffic impacts so far.
Granby’s fall kicked off with a successful Open Farm Day, Granby Road Race and other in-person events around town. Let’s enjoy the many opportunities to meet and greet our neighbors—say hi and smile! Now we can see that smile!
—Jim Lofink