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Why is it that everyone must live up to the standards of normal,
that some normal is worse than being abnormal,
that some abnormalities are worse than being normal?


Why is it that when someone is unique, creative, or artistic;
they are not allowed the luxury of being called any of these beautiful words?
No, instead they are merely belittled as weird, strange, or abnormal.


But who is to say that weird, strange, and abnormal aren’t compliments,
that being popular, well-known, or “in-demand” are compliments,
that a difference is bad, and not good?


Why is it that a different skin color is unacceptable,
that a different hair color is weird,
that a different way to dress is odd,
that a different point of view is strange,
that a boy liking a boy, a girl liking a girl, and everything in between is abnormal?
Why is it that being “different,” or abnormal is weird, wrong, bad, strange, odd, unusual, peculiar, or bizarre?


By Heather Craney
GMMS, Grade 7