The annual canvass of voters is in full swing. If you receive an envelope with this warning printed in bright red DO NOT RISK YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE, open it immediately. Inside you will find a response form and postage paid envelope. Please check the appropriate boxes, personally sign, date and return to Town Hall.
Each year some voters call Town Hall about this process, asking “Why did I get this?” There are five reasons: 1. the post office reported that you moved within town; 2. the post office or other state agency have reported that you moved out of town; 3. you haven’t voted in any primary, referendum or election during the last four years (including two federal elections); 4. the post office returned a mailing sent to you from the Registrars’ office as undeliverable; or 5. we received information from another state that flagged you as a potential duplicate voter.
Please note that only the addressed voter can fill out the form and sign it. Family members and current residents can forward the mailing directly to the voter or send it back to the Post Office, which will return it to the Registrars. As of this writing only 58 replies have been returned and over 500 letters were sent.
2020 Census Delay may impact 2021 Connecticut Redistricting
Delays in the collection of the 2020 Census data due to the pandemic may impact Connecticut’s timeline for redistricting. Every ten years lines for all statewide offices and political geographic lines are reassessed based on changes in population.
All of Granby is currently in the Connecticut Congressional District 1 and the Connecticut State House 62nd. Granby is divided into two districts by the current State Senate lines with most of the town in the 7th District, and a small portion in West Granby in the 8th District.
Every ten years the lines for each political district are debated and redrawn by the State Legislature’s Redistricting Commission. By statute, the deadline to complete the process is Sept. 15, 2021. Failing to meet this deadline, a backup commission has until Nov. 30, 2021, and failing the November deadline, the Connecticut Supreme Court would step in. Redistricting will have serious consequences for all statewide elections held in 2022 should the process be delayed.
Annual Town Budget
Please attend the Public Annual Budget Hearing at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 12. All three town boards, education, finance and selectmen, will do a joint presentation of the budget as part of the annual public hearing. Due to the pandemic, we anticipate this meeting will be virtual—please check the town website in April for the details and a link.
By town charter, the budget is scheduled for an in-person vote on Monday, April 26. It is anticipated that a machine vote at the Town Budget Referendum will be held in the Town Hall Meeting Room in Granby’s Town Hall, 15 North Granby Road, and the polls will be open from 12 noon to 8 p.m. However, due to the pandemic, we may need to alter the budget process.Check the town website in April for the latest information.
Voter Registration
Voter registration is a public record, and it is easy to confirm your voter registration. From the Town of Granby website there is a link to the Secretary of the State’s website’s online voter registration look-up tool:
There is also a link to Online Voter Registration to enroll or to make party, name, or address changes to an existing voter registration. Go to
Posted office hours for the registrars’ office are Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Paper voter registration forms are also available at any town hall, public library or DMV office and online at the Secretary of State’s website.
Questions? Please contact the registrars, Laura Wolfe and Sonja Smith, at 860-844-5322 or