Republican Town Committee Encourages Setting an Example for Others to Follow

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As great as Granby is, together, we can make it better.

Together, we can help to end racism and injustice.

Together, we can help to ensure that our town is a place where everyone feels safe, valued and heard. A place where we consciously work to understand and respect each other. A place where we recognize our ability, and responsibility, to act with openness, kindness and compassion.

Together, we can make a real, meaningful change by focusing on a few simple things.

Please join us in:

• Connecting with fellow Granby residents. Go out of your way to get to know someone new.

• Taking the time to actually listen to the concerns and ideas of others. Focus on understanding and respecting other viewpoints, even when you disagree.

• Remembering that understanding, respect, openness, kindness and compassion are not partisan principles.

•  Getting, and staying, involved. In the coming weeks, there will be increased opportunities to participate in discussions, forums and working groups. Take advantage of them.

In short, let’s do what we do in Granby: set an example that others can follow.


John Adams, Mark Anderson, Florence Bischoff, Jim Caldwell, Beth Cherbino, Nancy Colton, Gary Ellrod, Mark Fiorentino, Mike Guarco, Diane Hernsdorf, Roger Hernsdorf, Kevin Hobson, Lowell Johnson, Paula Johnson, B. Scott Kuhnly, Lynn Lochhead, Mark Lockwood, J. Ward Mathis, Mark Migliaccio, Melissa Migliaccio, Jane Miller, Steven Muller, Mark Neumann, Eric Myers, Josephine O’Leary, Liam O’Leary, David Peling, Kelly Rome, Brennan Sheahan, William Simanski, Sarah Thrall, David Tolli, James Tsaptsinos, Jessica Tsaptsinos, Rosemarie Weber, Paul Willis, Alfred Wilke and Mary Zlotnick.