Lila Innes remembered

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My fondest memory of Lila Innes is hearing her unforgettable laugh echoing through Cossitt Library. No library silence there! Among the many ways she encouraged a love of reading in children was allowing them to sign out their own books, in the time before computers—even though my five-year old Susan used three lines to print her name. And when Karen borrowed a book on how to make a doll house out of boxes and scraps (and made one), Lila happily exhibited it in the library for weeks.

Some years ago, I gave a history talk to the Civic Club and was asked to join. I said no, because I don’t like to cook and didn’t want to bake for meetings. Lila immediately offered to bake when it was my turn and she did so, right through to Christmas 2019.

Lila was my neighbor and our family remembers hearing their donkey bray loudly, sounding like a rusty gate. She also had extra kittens. I sent the kids over to choose a kitten and they came home with two—of course we kept both of them.

Lila Innes was one of Granby’s treasures and she will be long-remembered. I’d love to hear her laugh again.

Carol Laun