Foxfield F.A.R.M supports Senate bill

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Foxfield F.A.R.M. Foundation’s president Susan Patricelli Regan presented her testimony in support of S.B. 217, raised by Senator John A. Kissel, CT Senate District 7, on Feb. 27. The Senate bill is for an equine instructional program for veterans with PTSD to be included under the Veterans Health Care coverage.

S.B. 217 is in consideration by both the Veterans Administration and the real estate and insurance committees and was enthusiastically supported by a number of attending veterans and public representatives’ commentary. Justification lies in the fact that the current clinical therapies and medical prescriptions have not assuaged the impact of PTSD on service men and women and actually have increased opioid overdose, self-medication and the suicide rate. These risks can be avoided by the institution of the natural equine equitation that has been effectively utilized for PTSD and physical infirmities of children and adults worldwide.

To see the S.B. 217 presentation (approximately 21 min.) go to:

To see the entire VA Committee program for Feb. 27, go to

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For a copy of the actual VA Committee presentation in order to support S.B. 217, email