Thank you, Mike Guarco

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In his article, Keeping Granby fiscally strong, (Drummer, November 2019), Chairman Michael Guarco explains clearly the mission and strategies of the Board of Finance. He should know, having joined the board in 1982 and then serving as its chair since 1989. In the beginning of his article, Mr. Guarco notes that one “individual was the only one to show at either of the two office sessions that were held who isn’t a candidate nor is politically connected.” I hope that Mr. Guarco does not misinterpret this as citizen apathy or disregard for the board or his excellent leadership. While a percentage of apathy toward civic affairs exists in every community, I strongly suggest an alternative explanation to the scant attendance at the two office sessions—Mr. Guarco has rightly earned the trust of Granby residents through his 37 years of excellent stewardship. I did not attend either office session and not out of apathy but rather from my total confidence in Mr. Guarco’s competence, integrity and vision for our town. I have no doubt that, in this case, poor attendance is a well-deserved vote of confidence in Mr. Guarco and his leadership.