BOE candidate forum is Sept. 24

In honor of National Voter Registration Day, candidates who are running for the Granby Board of Education on the November ballot have been invited to attend a Candidate Forum being sponsored by the registrars office.

Granby 4-H sign-up night is Oct. 2

Granby 4-H sign-up night is planned for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2, at Holcomb Farm Workshop. The presentation will  introduce the youth officer team, leaders, and project groups available for the 2019-2020 program year.

PTO Corner

It is hard to believe that another school year is upon us. As these last few weeks and days of summer come and go, the PTO is hard at work planning and preparing for an exciting 2019-20 academic year.

Eagle Scouts soar in Granby

Becoming an Eagle Scout is a great accomplishment requiring years of dedication and hard work. The Eagle Award is the highest, most coveted rank in Boy Scouts and it is not easily earned.

Youth Services Bureau

Join us for a discussion of the latest information coming from sources such as Yale’s just-completed $10 million grant exploring the risks associated with vaping. Join an exchange of ideas on how best to curb this latest trend amongst our youth.

Administrators and teachers honored

Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, donations were made to the Granby Education Foundation (GEF) in honor of the teachers and administrators shown below. As part of the GEF’s mission to encourage educational excellence, the Foundation is thrilled to recognize the efforts of these individuals.