Present: Paula Johnson (Chairman), Margaret Chapple, Jonathan Boardman, Charles Kraiza, Eric Lukingbeal, Eric Myers, James Sansone. Also present was Abby Kenyon, Director of Community Development.
The minutes of April 9 were reviewed.
On a motion by M. Chapple seconded by E. Lukingbeal the commission voted (7-0-0) to approve the minutes of April 9.
Public Hearing
Application seeking an amendment to Zoning Regulations Sections 3.12.1 that would allow mixed use buildings by Special Permit in the Commercial Center Zone.
M. Chapple read the public hearing notice into the record.
Applicant Gordon van Welie, 5 Black Oak Drive, West Granby, addressed the commission. The applicant proposes to change Zoning Regulations Section 3.12.1 to allow mixed-use buildings containing both residential and non-residential uses by Special Permit in the Commercial Center Zone. He explained he owns the property at 25 Hartford Avenue, which is located in the Commercial Center Zone. If the commission approves the amendment, he would like to apply for the Special Permit to allow a business use on the first floor and a residential use on the second floor. He understands not all properties are suited for this use but the Special Permit process would give the commission the ability to decide the appropriateness of the use for individual properties.
Terri-Ann Hahn, 6 Allen Place, addressed the commission. She suggested the proposed regulation change should apply to existing two story buildings only.
The commission has 65 days to render a decision.
Receive applications and set public hearings
Application seeking an amendment to Zoning Regulations Section 8.3.1 Alcoholic Beverages that would add a permit to produce cider was submitted. The application was scheduled for public hearing on May 14.
Consideration of the above applications where the commission has concluded the public hearing:
On a motion by M. Chapple seconded by E. Myers the commission voted (7-0-0) to approve an application seeking an amendment to Zoning Regulations Sections 3.12.1 that would allow mixed-use buildings by Special Permit in the Commercial Center Zone.
Commission Discussion: Potential changes to Zoning Regulations regarding drive-throughs
The Commission discussed changes to the Zoning Regulations regarding drive-through windows. A copy of the East Granby regulation was distributed for the Commission’s review. P. Johnson noted there is a distinction between restaurant drive-through windows and non-food drive-through windows, such as banks and pharmacies. The Commission agreed there is a need to regulate restaurant drive-through windows. The Commission discussed the distance drive-through windows should be located from a residential zone and questioned if there should be a distinction between a residential zone or residential use, as some residential uses can be located in non-residential zones. The Commission also discussed the appropriateness of a drive-through in the Transition and Historic Overlay Zones. They also discussed the impact of drive throughs in Granby center, with some commissioners noting congestion, parking, and traffic as concerns.
The commission asked A. Kenyon to compile regulations from similarly sized towns for their review. She also said she would create maps showing different distances from residential zones and uses to illustrate where drive throughs could be located.
Staff Reports and Correspondence
Kenyon reported she met with the property owner of 4 East Granby Road to review the approved sign location. The sign will be moved back so it is located 17 feet from the sidewalk, per the site plan approval. It was noted the property owner may add a small stone foundation to protect the sign from lawn mowers, however the overall height may not exceed what the commission approved. If there are any other changes, the property owner will have to come back before the commission.
Commissioner Reports and Correspondence
J. Boardman expressed a concern that the seating in front of the Farmer’s Kitchen restaurant is blocking the sidewalk. A. Kenyon said she would contact the restaurant owner to discuss.
——Patricia Tappenden, Recording Secretary