Board of Education Notes

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School Improvement Plans

Kimberly Dessert, Kelly Lane Principal, and Anna Forlenza-Bailey, Wells Road Intermediate School Principal, shared updates on their respective School Improvement Plans with the board.

Dessert reviewed the Vision, Mission and District Achievement Goal: There is a 10 percent decrease in chronic absenteeism in all subgroups.

Instructional Goal: Work coaching has benefitted teachers with their learning walks. There are three coaches at Kelly Lane — Literacy, Math and Science and about 50 percent of teachers have had an opportunity to work with a coach.

Forlenza-Bailey updated her School Improvement Plan for Wells Road.

For the Vision, Mission and District Achievement Goal: Office referrals of white and non-white students are being reviewed. White student referrals have dropped from 8 percent to 6 percent and non-white student referrals went from 27 percent to 19 percent in comparison to last year’s data.

Student Achievement Goal: Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium results have not been received but teachers are continuing to monitor and review those results using standardized testing data.

Instructional Goal: Students are taking ownership for their learning. Dr. Bailey reported on coaches and enrichment coach data that shows an increase from 12 to 14 students in third grade who meet with the enrichment coach; fourth grade increased 13 to 21 students; fifth grade increased by four, and four students have moved into an accelerated curriculum in math.


Dr. Addley extended congratulations to: the boys high school basketball team; Chris Webber, third state title won in swimming; the cast and crew of Grease for a sold out performance.


• Kindergarten registration is on track for about 100 students for the 2019-20 school year;

• The Canton football co-op is still in consideration;

• The last day of school and graduation is slated for June 14, barring any further inclement weather;

• Wells Road School’s open principal position has been posted online and a Parent Advisory Committee is being formed.


Middle School Principal Sue Henneberry, and Shirley Cowles, Enrichment presented along with students on the enrichment program that launched in September and has been laying the foundation for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students. The program follows the Three E’s Philosophy – enjoyment around work, engagement into a topic and enthusiasm for learning. The goals for this program were to meet the needs of the highest performing students and identify gifted and talented students and exceptional learners. To date, 36 students have participated in the enrichment class in grades 6, 7 and 8. Future goals are to create opportunities for all middle school students who show an advanced understanding of a topic and want to expand on it.

High school Principal Mike Dunn reported that NEASC accreditation has been renewed and that the high school spring sports season is commencing.

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