Public Works

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Independence Day: Wednesday, July 4, is a holiday for Paine’s. All Wednesday, Thursday and Friday trash and recycling pickups will be delayed by one day.

Ashes: Please do not put any ashes in your barrel. A single ash can remain “live” (still able to ignite) for up to 96 hours. If a barrel is melted or damaged by ashes, the cost of replacing the barrel will be the responsibility of the resident.

Summer road work: Please be aware that during the summer months, town crews will be out and about doing road maintenance and roadside mowing. Please drive carefully and take extra caution when passing work crews alongside the road.

Extra Trash? What do you do if you have extra trash that will not all fit in your barrel? In these instances, town approved “extra trash” bags are available for purchase. The bags are $2 each. Paine’s will pick up ONLY these designated purple bags. Place the purple bags next to your trash barrel on your regular trash day. The “extra trash” bags are available at Granby Public Works, 52 North Granby Road from 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or from the Transfer Station attendant during Transfer Station hours.

Recycling: If you have questions regarding recycling, check out the website Try the recycling wizard—a tool that allows you to ask about a specific item. If you still have questions, call Public Works 860-653-8960. Please do not put items in your barrel because you want them to be recycled. This causes contamination and costs money for the recycling plant.

Do not bag your recycling. Plastic bags and plastic film are a major source of contamination for the recycling plant. Plastic bags should never go in your bin. To see how to recycle plastic film, check out