The application seeking a change of zone for a portion of properties located at 91 and 85R Salmon Brook Street was approved at the February 14 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Voting in favor of the change from Residential 30 (R30) to Planned Development Multifamily (PDM) were Paula Johnson, Jonathan Boardman, Christine Chinni, Charles Kraiza, Mark Lockwood and James Sansone. Margaret Chapple opposed.
The commission noted that the approval of the zone change is in compliance with the Granby’s Plan of Conservation and Development as it will help in diversifying the town’s housing base by providing a type of housing not currently available as well as providing alternative housing for seniors. The change will mean a positive impact on the town’s tax base. The change also will balance development with conservation, can provide support for existing and future businesses, can be completed without a negative impact on adjacent roadways and has adequate infrastructure that can support such use. The approval is in conformance with the regulation as the only permitted use in the PDM zone is single family residential.
Chairman Johnson recommended that the town consider having an independent review of the reports submitted for the future proposed application for 91 and 85R Salmon Brook Street, Upstream Properties LLC. She also noted that a working session with the developer prior to the application would be helpful.
Other business
The Commission voted (7-0-0) to approved a 90-day extension for the filing of the special permit and site plan mylar for property located at 4 East Granby Road. This was in response to a request from John Laudati.
An application subject to staff review for 356 Salmon Brook Street for a commercial building; in a C2 zone has been received.
The commission noted that the approval of the zone change is in compliance with the Granby’s Plan of Conservation and Development as it will help in diversifying the town’s housing base by providing a type of housing not currently available as well as providing alternative housing for seniors. The change will mean a positive impact on the town’s tax base. The change also will balance development with conservation, can provide support for existing and future businesses, can be completed without a negative impact on adjacent roadways and has adequate infrastructure that can support such use. The approval is in conformance with the regulation as the only permitted use in the PDM zone is single family residential.
Chairman Johnson recommended that the town consider having an independent review of the reports submitted for the future proposed application for 91 and 85R Salmon Brook Street, Upstream Properties LLC. She also noted that a working session with the developer prior to the application would be helpful.
Other business
The Commission voted (7-0-0) to approved a 90-day extension for the filing of the special permit and site plan mylar for property located at 4 East Granby Road. This was in response to a request from John Laudati.
An application subject to staff review for 356 Salmon Brook Street for a commercial building; in a C2 zone has been received.